Rock in Rio this year and forever, is a success! - Courtesy of site Rolling Stones
By: Maria Eduarda Macieira (Grade 4)
You had probably already heard about the big music festival Rock in Rio and all the artists and celebrities that went there, but do you know the story of it through the years, or who had the idea of creating it and how it became this big? Well, today, you are going to discover.
Rock in Rio is a music festival that happens every two years. It reunites many artists and fans from different places of the world for shows and presentations.
It all began (just to avoid repetition) in 1985, when Brazil was starting the redemocratization process, going out of a dictatorship. The founder of the festival was Roberto Medina, and Rock in Rio was the first music festival in that style of South America. And since 1985, there have been 24 editions and 4666 scheduled artists. That’s awesome!
Well, other great curiosities is that in 2022, 28 thousands of jobs were generated and the festival had more than 12 millions of fans online.
And this year, 2024, Rock in Rio is celebrating 40 years of existence and history. The event started on September 13th and is counting with the participation of many artists, like: Travis Scott, Imagine Dragons, Katy Perry, Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran, Zara Larsson, Ludmilla, Lulu Santos, Ivete Sangalo, Os Paralamas do Sucesso and many other celebrities. The rock town is having fun!
This festival is going to be forever in our hearts, continuing to be adored by everyone and bringing music to our lives. Happy 40 years Rock in Rio!
And if you wanna search more about the history of the event, enter their site, full of images and information.
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