International Agatha Christie Festival -
By: Mariana Skardanas (Grade 6)
Dear Madam,
I am writing to put forward the participation of the Literature Club in our event. The celebration I refer to is the International Agatha Christie Festival, which this year will occur between September 8 and 17.
To begin with, this semester the club has delved into reading Christie’s novels, therefore, the trip will be immensely relevant to deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of her writing. The event holds several activities , all with the intention of connecting the readers to the author by engaging in her special interests and visiting locations that inspired her work. Some of the programmes include outer parity at the writer’s poisonous plants garden, a film festival of her movie adaptations inside a cavern and a class with an expert about Agatha’s play, The Mousetrap, which are all extremely interesting and amusing.
Furthermore, I should point out that the celebration takes place in Devon, which is only three hours away from the school by car. Thus, a tour bus would be the best option as it is able to accommodate all the students for an affordable price, without taking too long to arrive. Moreover, one should recommend traveling on the 7th in order to not miss out in any of the activities.
On a final note, it is evident that this excursion will certainly be successful both academically and culturally. Not to mention that it will be truly entertaining to the scholars.
Yours faithfully,
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