By: Beatriz Oliveira, Felipe Senra Barros, João Bernardo Oliveira, Sophia Soares and Theo Bastos (Grade 4)
Is it just me or are everybody’s noses running? It’s awful, and it’s caused by the cold temperatures cariocas have been experiencing, followed by intense heat waves announcing the summer. The feeling we have that the climate is changing on a daily basis is unfortunately real and happening right now. Follow us in our article to uncover the culprit of these illnesses.
What do we consider climate change? The name is self-explanatory, and it can be caused by natural or anthropological agents. Us humans also cause global warming (the increase in global temperatures compared to the standards), which is also a cause of climate change. The absurd amount of CO2 we have been launching into the atmosphere leads to various climate crises, such as enormous river draughts in northern Brazil and wildfires all around the world.
These climate changes don’t solely cause higher temperatures, they lower them, they affect the air we breath and the environment we live in. Between 2030 and 2050, an additional 250.000 deaths are expected due to malaria, pneumonia, undernutrition, etc. Especially because of climate change.
When a country isn’t prepared for an outcome like those I mentioned in the last paragraph, it will turn into a huge trouble for the public health. The scarce presence of good infrastructure in a certain location reflects directly in the quality of life of the population. As much as we can do little actions in our household in order to avoid waste or overconsumption, the real change is in the hands of the governments and the big companies. That’s why we must mobilize our presidents, prime ministers and heads of government so as to start reversing our suicidal situation.
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