By: Fidel de Sousa Montiel (Grade 4)
Have you ever seen or read Jurassic Park? That movie or book where scientists are able to recreate Dinosaurs and bring them back to life?
Do you know the “Woolly Mammoth”? Those hairy brown elephants which lived in the ice age. And have you heard of the Dodo Bird? That little fowl which was the first animal that they are trying to resurrect.
Yes! You read it right! What if I told you that a company called Colossal is trying to recreate the beasts, like the mammoth, back into the world? But why? A specialist in the matter called George Church said that by reintroducing them to the world they can deepen their studies in other types of elephants as well. Besides, they are using both mammoth and elephant cells to bring them back into the world.
They used to live in very cold places such as Russia or Alaska, however, due to global warming, these places are getting much hotter, so it might be a good idea. What is your opinion? Will it be as chaotic as Jurassic Park or will it be okay?
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