By: Luana Aguiar (Grade 5)
We all know that loving yourself is really important. However, most people do not know why. During our lives we are filled with rules of beauty and photos or videos of beautiful people in social media or television, even though they are not always real, it causes us to compare ourselves and it can lower some people’s self-esteem. Due to this, nowadays we can observe that lots of young people do not love themselves.
With the advances of medicine, people are getting more and more plastic surgeries and they never seem to be satisfied. Sometimes they just do these procedures to please others and to belong to the strict beauty rules of society. This problem would end if people loved who they are, then they would not be worried about the opinion of others about themselves.
Social media really contributes to people’s lack of self-esteem, especially in teenagers, who spend a lot of time on their cell phones. When we see all those gorgeous photos of rich and pretty people in lovely places, we tend to compare ourselves with them. Doing that can be very harmful for our mental health.
To sum up, we have to be careful not to damage our own health with things that sometimes are not even completely true. If we love who we are we will not have the need to please others.
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