By: Giovanna Amorim and Helena Dias (Grade 2)
Addressing climate change is one of the most urgent challenges of our lifetime.
As time passes, people who live in the countryside move to urban areas. With immigration, we have observed a rise in the amount of problems, such as climate changes. Is it that dangerous? How has it happened? Is there a solution? Come with us and you will learn more about it.
The cities are normally polluted. The gas emission from the cars and factories are responsible for the greenhouse effect. This has led to global warming and climate changes.
Nowadays, the planet is warming faster than the past years. We can feel the results of climate changes with the increase in droughts, flooding, rising sea levels and other facts.
Climate change is threatening. It affects and impacts health in a myriad of ways, including by leading to death or to some illnesses for all living beings. The contamination caused by floods can cause countless troubles as well.
But is there a solution? Maybe. If we reduce CO2 emission, that can change. However, in order to alter that we have to start now. Another thing that we can do is lower the air pollution. Use ecological vehicles like bikes or scooters. They are good options because they don’t emit gas!
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