By: Francisco Mota (Grade 3)
Jenny, a 16-year-old girl that has serious problems with school and with her relationship. She’s going to do ENEM very soon, so her parents (Marcio and Juliana) are putting a lot of pressure on her. However, they don’t realize that.
Unfortunately, it’s not her only problem, her boyfriend, Rafael, is really toxic. The first time they met, Rafael was sweet and lovely, he bought flowers and chocolate. That made Jenny almost depend on him. He was the only one with whom she talked about herself. Even when Rafael had problems with alcohol, Jenny supported him.
Nowadays, Rafael is a terrible boyfriend. He lost all his sweetness and kindness. But the last straw was when Jenny discovered that Rafael cheated on her. She couldn’t do anything except cry. The worst part is that her parents, instead of supporting her, put even more pressure on her about it.
At this moment, Jenny felt empty and completely alone. Then she asked herself. Does it really matter? If she felt good with herself, why would she need the approval of the others? She freed herself from her boyfriend chains and started being happy with the only thing that matters: herself.
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