By: Maria Júlia Sala (Grade 5)
Loving yourself isn’t an easy task. Sometimes, it just demands too much effort to do activities that help increase your self-esteem. Other times, you just can’t see anything when you look at yourself in the mirror that is worthy of love. Or you are just in one of those days where your voice seems to be a little too loud and your posture a bit annoying. Even though it might seem impossible to practice self-love in those times, you can care for yourself in ways that are not as explicit as writing a self-love letter.
Some ways to practice self care are giving yourself a break, excusing yourself from the outside world a bit and just taking a breath, and doing comfortable and enjoyable activities can also help find interior balance. Maybe re-watching your favorite film as a kid or trying an old hobby might help in connecting with your being, remember the traits you used to like in your younger-self and expand it for others that you may adore now, in your future-self, if you give it a chance. Other means of self-care are also a way to self-love.
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