A lot of UFOs have been seen since the last decades. However, many people doesn’t even know what they are

The image from video provided by the Department of Defense shows an unexplained object as it soars high along the clouds, traveling against the wind - Department of Defense / AP
By: Guilhermina Podcameni (Grade 5)
As far as we know, there are lots of UFOs that come from other countries. On March 12, a UFO – which was actually a Chinese surveillance balloon – was shot down by US military jets. However, despite the spying announcement alerts, scores of people assert they’ve seen UFO’s and aliens.
Unidentified flying objects, also referred to as UFO’s, as its very name says, are unspecified objects seen flying in the sky that we are yet to know what exactly they are. Generally, UFOs are usually associated with extraterrestrial life, but it isn’t always the case.
According to BBC News, UFO reports by US troops skyrocketed to over 500 recently. Reports range from balloon sightings to alien abductions. The origins are diverse, and sometimes we are left without knowing the truth.
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