By: Paloma Far (Grade 6)
There once was an atom. That’s all I remember. I thought of how to start this but I suppose… I got lost again. I feel like I can’t actually concentrate on what I’m really thinking while I’m not alone. It’s also kind of hard to keep up with what comes to mind. My handwriting looks like sh*t. Damn. Sometimes I just feel like my body can’t really keep up with my mind, that’s got in the way so many times! I hate it. I keep saying I hate stuff when I don’t really, although this time I really do. Impressive. That’s a nice word, the sound of it I M P R E S S I V E. I never actually paid attention to how much I like this word. Now I’m wondering what other ones I enjoy and never noticed it. Progressive? Sounds too much like aggressive. And impressive. That’s why I thought of it. Bliss. Snatch! Are those real? Not sure but if they are they’re ok. Tik Tak Tik Tak. I’m thirsty. Really am. Coffee? Milkshake? I don’t want water either. I’m also too lazy to go grab anything. Also can’t, I’m in class. I wish I was watching ”Pride and Prejudice” or reading. tToday I feel like it. Not necessarily a romantic romance, but a slower but interesting book, one I wouldn’t read someday else. I want ”Atonement” so bad. I won’t feel like reading it once I get it, I guess I’ll have to buy it tio find out. The one I was reading yesterday works but I won’t have the time, fencing and all. I’ll have to take a shower afterwards as well. Today I feel like being in bed under the blankets, reading or again watching ”Pride and Prejudice” orrrr that one film I started watching the other day well, a long time ago actually, with Ryan Gosling orrrr La La Land. Again. I thought I’d always and forever hate this film. It’s impressive how opinions change. There we go. Impressive again. Isn’t it funny haha HAHA I’d totally still be laughing with K’s in the USA. Maybe I’d do it just because I shouldn’t and just because of the obligation I’d have to alter one of my habits for nothing. Well.
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