Maria Eduarda Macieira and Edno Ruas working on the translation of "Violeta"
By: Julie Smith
The arrival of the spring brought good news to both 13 Stars and our petite writer Maria Eduarda Macieira.
As you know, the referred English pupil from 13 Stars began her career as a writer at the age of 7, being her premiere book ‘Violeta’.
“It all started with a drawing I’ve done at school and gave to my father.” Said Maria Eduarda while presenting the storyline of Violet to the English teacher Edno Ruas.
Duda still added that the minor characters from the novel were based on her school friends at the time. Cute, right?
The project now is to turn Violeta bilingual and introduce her to the whole world. 13 Stars has been invited by her family to assume the project and here we are, hands on deck!
If you are not able to wait for Violeta’s English Edition, how about checking up the Portuguese one!
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