By: Mariana Machado (Grade 1)
Are you that kind of person that stays at the sofa the whole Christmas night? If your answer is yes, try to change. Play with your cousins, dance, sing, eat, be grateful, talk about new experiences in your life, gossip with your favourite family member, don’t forget to gossip!
During the year, we are full of things to do and problems to solve. We sometimes disconnect from our family, because we don’t have time or even will to interact with our family and do things that we love.
Another aspect that is open for debate is about Christmas presents. You ask for what you want to receive or you let people surprise you? The magic of opening a present that you don’t know what is inside is spectacular, isn’t it? But what if you receive something that you don’t like? I like to guarantee.
I think we all agree when I say that the Christmas vibes start before the official holiday. It begins when you decorate your whole house minutely or when you cook the Christmas dinner.
So get ready, because “Santa Klaus is coming to town, he’s making a list, checking it twice, going to find out who’s naughty or nice”.
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