By: Giulia Alvim (Grade 5)
Every year I spend Christmas in a place called Santo Antônio de Pádua. It takes four hours in a car to get there and, because of that, we always have a funny story about these trips. My favorite one happened in 2015.
There were four people in the car: me, my dad, my stepmother and her niece. We had already been in the car for one hour when I got sick and screamed: “I’m gonna throw up!”. At that moment, my dad started to freak out looking for a bag for me. Suddenly, a horse appeared in front of our vehicle. The world started spinning and I threw up everywhere.
My dad finally pulled over on the shoulder of the road. My dad was already getting out to clean my mess when I realized that I wanted to poop so I did on the grass. My stepmother and her niece took the opportunity and one peed while the other changed her pad. My dad just complained the whole time.
Finally, everybody was ready to keep going. My dad was closing the door when he accidentally fell on my poop. His hand was completely dirty. I was just laughing out loud about the entire situation. After all that we arrived in Pádua at breakfast time, we had bought bread for the family that was already there. The grosser part is that I had puked all over the bread’s bag, but we gave it to them either way.
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