By: Eduardo Zanol (Grade 3)
My phone is ringing, it’s Dom Toretto. He’s calling me to a car race. I’m Brian O’Conner, a former policeman and now an illegal street car racer and Toretto’s best friend.
It’s 9 pm and I’m very tired, but a new race always gets me up, so I get my car in my garage and go to the race’s place.
There, I see loads of good drivers but they are nothing compared to me and Dom. We line up and here we go. Me and Dom are distant from the bunch. However, we felt a suspicious guy right on our backs, with what seemed to be a rule-breaking 5 nitros in his car.
As the race was going by, he started to threaten us, talking about crashing into us, but we didn’t even listen to him, so he accelerated and tried to bump us into the buildings. Then, he turned the car and went towards us, but with beautiful manivers we dodged him, and he started to spin and crashed. After a battle, I won the race with milliseconds of difference to Dom.
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