By: Guilherme Teixeira (Grade 3)
I’m Anakin Skywalker, one of the survivors of the Empire attack, when evil killed hundreds of padawans (young jedis) and dozens of jedis. Nowadays, we are 10 heroes that must stop the dark side of the force.
Now that I’m living in Tatooine, I should hide because the siths (evil knights) are looking for me. But one day, I receive a call warning that two jedis would arrive on my planet. Fearless, I go to meet them.
Even though I feel the force trying to say something to me, I ignore it. It is a trap, they are sith and the two jedi are dead. I run to the town, downtown, to be more specific, as it is overcrowded, a perfect hiding place.
But I’m found by the enemy. It is one sith, Darth Maul. We stare at each other, I turn on my lightsaber (blue one) and swing it. We start to fight, he’s the best disciplined of the sith lords. The fight is tense and I decide to use the force to throw away his saber and grab him. Then, I activate my saber and stab him in the chest.
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