Bienal do Livro is one of the biggest book festivals in Brazil, which unite many authors, editors and important personalities. It’s an event full of culture, fun and literature. - Guito Moreto/O GLOBO
By: Maria Eduarda Macieira (Grade 4)
Did you know that our city, Rio de Janeiro, was chosen by UNESCO to be the World Book Capital for 2025?
This title is chosen every year. UNESCO searches and analyzes the cities’ cultural actions and events related to literature and education. So, the selected city has this title for twelve months. Not only the title, but new opportunities of encouraging people to read, spread information, colors, books and education all around.
The cities that candidate for it prepare a project to present, showing all the initiatives about literature, and education. So, the one that UNESCO chooses needs to have books for everyone and do projects and programs about this topic.
Rio is the first Portuguese language city to be chosen for that title. The city has important factors and characteristics that are good for the project and helps in the cultural and educational development. Rio de Janeiro has many literacy projects, events, the Academia Brasileira de Letras, Bienal do Livro, book festivals and many other possibilities!
For 2025, Rio already has some strategies and ideas:
– an action called “Noite dos Livros” inside the schedule of the festival Paixão de Ler;
– Academia Editorial Júnior: this action has the objective to encourage the talent of young people in the editorial area. It will be responsible for the practicing and capacitation of students and people interested;
– the expansion of the event Bienal do Livro;
– more book festivals;
– the opening of more public libraries.
Rio de Janeiro will start all of this on April 23rd, because it’s World Book Day. Well, our city is the new chosen World Book Capital, for 2025. News and actions related to culture, literature and education are coming soon!
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