Having love and care to our enviroment, we can have a better world - Picture: App Canva file
By: Maria Eduarda Lemos Macieira (Grade 3)
Have you ever heard about the word SUSTAINABILITY? Well, sustainability is something that balances the environment and the natural resources that it gives to our society.
Nature is beautiful. It has many resources, places, materials, and animals that live with us. In our lives, it’s all around us: oceans, trees, plants, flowers, animals, rain, soil, and many materials that we use for our daily life.
However, in current years, we are not being sustainable. Humans only use natural resources, but without balance. People use oil to make plastic, and throw it on the floor, use wood to make paper, and waste it, swim and enjoy the ocean at the beach, but throw trash all around, polluting the place and killing many species. Humans always use cars, causing air pollution, and don’t think that they could use bikes, public transports or go walking to some places, along with the industry’s emission, this issue can cause diseases and problems even for us, humans!
Besides that, we have global warming too, that is caused from the burning of fossil fuels, whose gases go to the atmosphere and make climate and environmental changes to Earth. Another example is deforestation, that happens when humans cut, destroy or burn trees, forests or plants. The trees give us oxygen and are very important for us, so their destruction can cause the extinction of species too.
And by having all these materials and resources available, we end up having more products, industries and stores, what makes people be consumerists, a huge problem to sustainability.
Well, after learning about all these problems in our current lives, can you think of solutions for us to help more and more our planet and be more sustainable? Our tiny little acts can help a lot the environment if we give nature the care that it gives to us too.
Some things that you could do at home and in the school, with your family and friends are: plant trees, use the two sides of the paper, save light at home, always put trash in the trash can and whenever you can, REUSE and RECYCLE! Recycling is simple, but it helps nature a lot. When you undo something, instead of throwing it on the floor or in the ocean,, separate these things and send them to a recycling industry. Because there, instead of your trash going to oceans, forests, or floors, it turns into another thing that will be used again!
Reusing is simple too. That little toilet paper roll that you would throw in the trash can, use to do a school project, or to make a little doll or even to decorate your room. What about that little plastic water bottle that you finished? Decorate it and put beautiful flowers inside! Be creative, have fun and save the planet!
So, think about these problems and these good solutions that we have! Think that we can save the planet and have a better world, always taking care of nature and practicing sustainability in your little acts in our daily routine!
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