Tiradentes (MG) - Pedro Vilela/Agência i7
By: Léo Millet, Arthur Sardinha and Elisa Ventorini (Grade 4)
Are you tired of going to ordinary places? Are you looking for a tour with lots of history and tourist spots? How about having an amazing experience here in Tiradentes, a city full of beautiful architecture and crucial for Brazilian heritage.
The town named to honor a hero of Minas Gerais,Tiradentes, has an astonishing amount of cultural collections, including breathtaking images of churches facades and an old fashioned train called “Maria Fumaça”, which connects Tiradentes to São João del Rey.
Other than the wonderful tourist attractions, the town offers a delicious gastronomic tour. In Tiradentes, you can have a mouth watering testing of the local menus. One thing’s for sure, Tiradentes will provide you with the best experience ever!
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