From an aviation job to accomplishing a dream

Greice wearing her brand’s clothes while playing golf
By: Greice Pinheiro Solbrække (VIP student level A1)
My name is Greice Solbraekke, and I’m about to tell the story of my business. Well, to begin with, back then I had a job in aviation at a Brazilian airlines company, until 2015. Then, I opened a small shoe store in Laranjeiras and, later on, in 2017, I expanded the business and opened 3 more stores in Flamengo, Tijuca and Botafogo.
After that, unfortunately, came the pandemic and the stores closed down. But it didn’t stop me. After the lockdown I took up golf and, suddenly, I had a great idea: to design golf clothes. That’s how my business started!
Now, I design the clothes for my brand, called “Hi! Greice”, at home, in Cosme Velho and I outsource the manufacturer in Rio. They help me create my clothing products.
Today I can say that my product is comfortable and sustainable. My clothes feel lightweight, they are breathable, sophisticated and are suitable for hot summer weather. My collections come in traditional golf colors and innovative patterns. I definitely can call it a success!
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