Structure of Taylor Swift's concert at Nilton Santos stadium - Photo: Twitter
By: Manuela Pacheco and Rafaela Moreira (Grade 4)
Have you heard about the polemic involving Taylor Swift and her concert?
Whether you like Taylor Swift or not, I’m sure you’ve seen the shocking and sad news involving her concert in Rio. That’s what we’re going to talk about today.
On the first day of her show (17), there was an extreme heat wave in the city, which caused a heat index of 60º. Due to this fact, more than 1.000 people had to seek medical assistance. Unfortunately, a girl called Ana Clara Benevides (23) passed away as a result of the high temperatures.
People are criticizing Tickets for Fun, the company responsible for the organization of the concert. They didn’t consider the weather in Rio. There was no water available for the fans, and they didn’t allow people to enter the stadium with bottles of water. Besides, they closed all the airlocks. It’s absurd that a company planning a show with worldwide proportions could be so careless with people’s lives and safety. This tragedy could have been avoided with simple acts of humanity and more amenability from this company. We can’t allow things like these to happen anymore.
However, we can’t write about these situations without mentioning Taylor. Even though it isn’t 100% her fault, there are a few things she could have done better. For instance, the artist should have helped financially and given support to the victim’s family. Or she should have at least acknowledged the situation on stage. Although she did post about it, the publication was shallow and seemed just a way to defend herself. It was a ridiculous attempt to save her image with no real intention of helping the family and mobilize the public. Taylor, as a huge public figure, could’ve and should’ve done better.
To sum up, there was a lack of decent attitude from both Taylor and Tickets for Fun. All of it could have been avoided with simple measures that they refused to take. We’re really sorry that Ana and all the other fans had to go through that. We hope this unfortunate tragedy won’t happen again.
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