Moments before a wonderful meal is consumed by two hungry cats - @naomiuno/Instagram
By: Leticia Moczydlower (Grade 6)
Tired of eating the same thing everyday? Looking for a stress-relieving activity to take a break from life? Well, cooking applies to all of these requirements and more. Anyone who decides to explore this new hobby can confirm it makes you more at peace and pleased with yourself.
Did you know that the smell of fresh ingredients along with the comforting feeling of their textures while you mix them by hand actually stimulate your senses? It contributes to the production of endorphins, which are hormones that increase your sensation of happiness and wellbeing. Also, trust me, that sense of accomplishment when you admire the final product is really something!
Therefore, don’t doubt the power that baking a cake or trying to barbecue for your friends have to put you in a good mood! Not to mention that your loved ones’ and your own stomach will be well paid, of course!
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