Woman lying down in a huge pile of garbage - Glamour UK/Pinterest
By: Mariana Skardanas Phebo (Grade 6)
Fast fashion, a term that’s been appearing frequently in the media, stands for a production pattern where clothes move quickly from the catwalks to the closets to the landfills. Therefore, the trend cycle that used to last a decade is now a year or even a couple of months long.
This problem arose with contemporary society where nothing is ever quick enough and tiktokers must always have new content. Hence, buying from a fast fashion brand is more convenient, as it’s cheaper and you’ll be able to keep up with the trends. However, it’s often forgotten the social and environmental baggage that comes with purchasing a Shein shirt, for example, since workers are not paid properly and most of the time fabrics are made of cheap plastic materials, like polyester, which is non-biodegradable and takes up to two hundred years to decompose.
Thus, it’s important to consider what you’re buying and where it’s from. Is the trend worth participating in or is it something you’ll only wear once?
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