By: Laura Stroligo (Grade 1)
One of the most famous exams in Brazil is Enem, and year after year the Enem delays continue to gain fame.
Enem (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio) is the most important exam for Brazilian students, because it decides your way into the university. Normally, Enem starts at thirteen o’clock and if you arrive late you can’t come in anymore.
This year, the exam location was far away from home for many people who, because of that, ended up arriving late. According to Inep (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas), the student can ask for an re-application, which goes on 12th and 13th of December. The minister of education, Camilo Santana, guaranteed that no one in this situation will be harmed. The Enem delays have always existed and will always exist, but this year they increased due the distribution of the exam location. Do you know one person that arrived late in Enem? If yes, send this article to him, I am sure he will like it!
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