Applause, applause the industry of entertainment – (Pedro Ângelo Teles, Luísa Valery, Felipe Araújo and Victoria Feres)Pedro2023-10-16T18:00:10-03:0016 de outubro de 2023|
Jaws the Ride: a legacy of failure – (Fidel de Sousa Montiel)Pedro2023-05-29T13:35:25-03:0029 de maio de 2023|
Go with Moana to a incredible journey – (Felipe Gusmão Costa)Pedro2023-05-29T13:35:34-03:0029 de maio de 2023|
Traveling at the speed of light with Tron – (Felipe Gusmão Costa)Pedro2023-04-05T10:23:03-03:004 de abril de 2023|