A scale model of a city made by the students
By: Isabela Picanço, Pedro Lemme, Ana Clara Velasque, Luiz Henrique Brandão and Laura Stroligo (Grade 1)
Everybody dreams about living in a big city. Maybe life on a farm has crossed your mind before. We are not going to lie that pollution is really a problem, for example, but as you read this paper you’ll notice some positive aspects of living in the city with your family. So let’s learn more about it!
First, in the city not only you have facilities closer to your house, like hospitals, super markets, schools, restaurants and drugstores, but also you have some ways of entertainment that are easier to access. In a rainy day, you can go to a mall, a museum, a zoo, and when it’s hot you can go to the beach as well as to the pool.
Apart from that, you have more work opportunities, because in the town we have jobs that provide a better financial well-being. That’s why many outsiders prefer to move there. The government is more “focused” in the city, and with its support the work areas are better. The payments depend on the population. The more people there is the more money they receive, and the urban areas usually have more people.
Another point is that you won’t have to make your own food or clothes. It’s way easier to go to a store or a market to get something, don’t you think so?
Changing the topic, how about the web? Not that the internet in other places is bad, it’s just that usually in the cities there is incredible internet quality and the connection is much better.
In conclusion, there is a greater variety of means of transport, such as buses, subways, trains and vans, as well as different types of residential or commercial districts and varied dwellings, such as houses and buildings.
Think that if you move to the farm you will miss your memories of the city, as we only value something when we lose it. Spending time with friends and family, watching a movie at the cinema, flying kites at the park, these are just a few things that the city can offer you and your kids. Every place has its bright side. It’s up to you to do your pros and cons list and see how awesome the city is!
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