Viewpoint at Emperor's Hill, Juiz de Fora - jfminas.com
By: Helena Dias (Grade 1)
To begin with, let’s talk about vocabulary. In Belén, one of the most used expressions is “égua”, used to express a lot of feelings, like: happiness, surprise, sadness, etc. Another characteristic is that “tu” is much more used than “você”. Whereas, in Juiz de Fora “trem” is very common, meaning pretty much anything, besides the rail vehicle. Another word is “uai”, that means surprise, admiration, doubt.
In Belém, they eat a lot of fish (mainly river) like: filhote, dourada, pescada amarela and pirarucu, that is considered the cod fish of Pará. Regional fruits are also popular, like: cupuaçu, muruci, taperebá, bacuri and the most famous, açaí. The typical food of the region are: maniçoba, pato no tucupi, tacacá, unha de caranguejo, vatapá, among others. In Juiz de Fora, pork loin with tutu and pork rind, cabbage, chicken with okra, “tropeiro” beans, high quality milk and milk jam.
How about the attractions? Ver-o-Peso is a big market at the riverside in Belém, where you can find all the diversity of Pará’s ingredients. While, in Juiz de Fora there’s Mariano Procópio Museum, that has painting collections from Dom Pedro II’s empire, with sculptures, engravings and drawings, as well as the “Emperor’s Hill”, which, like in Rio de Janeiro, has a statue of Jesus and a view of the city.
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