By: Felipe Zamprogno (Grade 3)
Released in 1982, “E.T. The Extraterrestrial” is a heartwarming Sci-Fi film directed by the world famous Steven Spielberg, has captivated audiences of all ages with a strong message about friendship between a group of boys and an alien. The nostalgic adventures presented in this film have surely changed the childhood for all the children who watched it in the theatres.
The plot begins when a lonely 10 year old boy finds out that an alien is living in his backyard, so he decides to help him to get back home. They learn important values about loyalty, courage and understanding.
The film explores the magic of Sci-Fi childhood, highlighting Elliot’s (the boy) curiosity and openness.
This movie was one of my father’s favorites and definitely a must-see one. It has given me a wonderful childhood and souvenirs as I have a photo at the E.T. Disney ride too, and a little plushie.
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