By: Fidel de Sousa Montiel and Maria Eduarda Macieira (Grade 4)
Have you heard about the new project to make a new flying car? Did you know there have been other flying cars throughout history?
The first flying car was made by Jess Dixon, who got tired of getting stuck in traffic jams, so he designed and developed the world’s first flying vehicle.
But in order for us to talk about the new aerial car, we should introduce the creator of the airplane Alberto Santos Dumont. Born in Minas Gerais, in 1873, Santos Dumont was an inventor and a sportist. He projected and built the first balloons with gasoline based motors, which he used to circle the Eiffel Tower in 1901.
Santos Dumont also invented the wristwatch, hot-water shower, the hangar and the ultralight precursor.
Because of his inventions, Santos Dumont is considered an idol for Brazilian people. He also has his name on museums, airports and parks, and his house was transformed into a museum in Petropolis, where we can also see a statue of his famous airplane 14-Bis. There is no doubt that Santos Dumont has his name written in history.
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