Scene from Inside Out 2 - Disney/Pixar
By: Felipe Senra Barros, Gabriel Sarubi and Sophia Soares (Grade 4)
We, teenagers, have been experiencing turmoil of emotions since the beginning of our adolescence. The endless labyrinth of our brain has led Pixar and Disney to create a movie called Inside Out back in 2015. Essentially, the film is a deep dive inside Riley’s mind. Inside the 11-year-old’s head resides 5 emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. The doll-like mini feelings are related to a certain color. Respectively: Yellow, blue, red, purple, green. In summation, during a moment of chaos in Riley’s mind’s control room, Sadness and Joy are kicked out of the place, and so they have to adventure themselves through the confines of the girl’s memories whether they’re precious or detestable.
Although it’s an animation, Inside Out is considered a sensible feature film and also recommended to adolescents – and even adults – because of the approaches it brings. To understand that our emotions coexist and what you feel is a matter of perspective is very useful for parents, because they can have conversations like this with their children.
This movie has some great topics for discussion, as it shows the formation of personality, emphasizing the life of a teenager who goes through puberty and faces the difficulties that age brings. “Inside Out 2” brings to the screens in 2024 Riley’s new emotions, which are Envy, Ennui, Embarrassment and most of all, Anxiety. Let’s talk about each of them, shall we?
Envy, is aquamarine and teeny-tiny in stature with sparkling big eyes. The feeling is portrayed small, as if it is a hassle inside the head, giving a faithful representation of the emotion in real life.
On the other hand, we have Embarrassment, bright red, comically large and always (unsuccessfully) hiding behind his hoodies, manifesting the exact same feeling that appears when a person is embarrassed, trying to hide somewhere and the face starting to turn red.
French-accented limp noodle Ennui, aka as boredom, is a feeling that is related more to its attitude that is never satisfied with anything.
Last but not least of all the new feelings we have Anxiety, arguably the most complicated emotion in the bunch, with frazzled hair and arms full of baggage. That could mean that, mainly nowadays, it’s an emotion that appears mostly in teenagers, but it could follow a person for the rest of his life.
Inside Out is a really good movie to learn more about a person’s feelings, mainly in the beginning of their life. The film affirmed its importance when it won the Oscar in 2016. Have you ever watched Inside Out?
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